
To promote a sustainable economic system where everyone has the opportunity to prosper.

Prosperity Mission.

Introducing key challenges.

We’ve built an economic system where money is the commodity for accessing basic services and for participating in social life. There are two clear challenges for having a truly inclusive and sustainable economic system.

On the one hand, we need to incorporate people to the economic system by giving them access to education, credit and basic economic activities. On the other, we need to redefine the role of investment, using all the power of the public and private sectors to solve the main social and environmental problems we are facing.

Share of educated population older than 15 years (% of population).

Source: UNESCO & OCDE.

If we look the global picture, great progress has been made in terms of education. At a global level, 80% of population older than 15 years of age has received at least some basic formal education.

Early leaver from education in Europe (% of population).


Despite many of the EU countries having hit the European target for education, some countries, like Spain, have major problems such as drop-outs from education and training, with rates in excess of 15%, well above the European average.

Sustainable Development Goals Funding Gap ($5 Trillion).

Source: United Nations (UN).

Currently, it is calculated that the financing gap needed to leverage SDG outcomes ranges from $2.5T to $3.6T. Therefore, it is mandatory to imagine new creative ways to distribute capital that are in line with the priorities of the 2030 Agenda.

Globally unbanked population (Millions adults).

Source: World Bank. Global Findex Database.

1.7 billion adults lack a bank account in the world in 2017. Nearly half of all unbanked adults live in seven countries: China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Mission description.

This mission seeks to have a positive impact on a social and economic level by promoting quality education, access to employment and economic independence. The main challenge of this mission is to redefine the economic system and the role of investment, considering sustainability in every allocation of capital and putting money where it is most needed. A world where money is analysed in terms of return, risk and impact is the ultimate goal of this mission.

Mission challenges.


  • Increase access to education.
  • Improve the quality of education.
  • Improve educational infrastructures.
  • Reduce the student drop-out rate.
  • Reduce violence and bullying in education.
  • Increase awareness and knowledge of sustainable development.

New economy.

  • Redefine the economic system to incorporate responsible and impact metrics.
  • Promote investment in impact and regenerative companies and solutions.
  • Manage climate change risks to promote an inclusive transition.
  • Reduce accidents and improve working conditions.
  • Increase the number of people with access to credit.
  • Improve the financial education of the population.
  • Increase youth employment and opportunities.
  • Reinforce local economies based on low-carbon activities.


  • Promote truth and reduce disinformation.

Technology equality.

  • Increase universal internet access and promote the use of new technologies.
  • Balance technology automation with employment.

SDG alignment.

The Overview Effect - Quality education.

Quality education.

Ensure quality education.
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning.
Ensure equal access to quality technical education.
Increase the Number of People with Relevant Skills for Financial Success.
Ensure equal access to education.
Achieve literacy and numeracy.
Sustainable development education.
Upgrade education facilities.
Increase qualified teachers.
The Overview Effect - Decent work and economic growth.

Decent work and economic growth.

Achieve economic productivity.
Promote job creation and innovation.
Improve resource efficiency.
Achieve decent and equal work.
Reduce youth unemployment.
Eradicate forced labor.
Promote safe work.
Promote sustainable tourism.
Expand access to banking.
The Overview Effect - Industry, innovation and infrastructure.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure.

Increase access to credit.
Increase internet and technology access.
The Overview Effect - Climate action.

Climate action.

Mobilize capital for sustainability.
Support least developed countries.
The Overview Effect - Partnerships for the goals.

Partnerships for the goals.

Mobilize financial resources.
Invest in least developed countries.
Enable technology access.
Improve reliable data.
Promote impact measurement.

Some solutions for inspiration.

Below you can find some of the innovative impact solutions we are working on.
Digital education platforms.

Digital education platforms.

Digital education platforms for better understanding students and tailoring their learning experience.
Carbon intensity analysis.

Carbon intensity analysis.

Apps and platforms designed for investing in companies that are solving social and environmental challenges.
Food traceability technologies.

Food traceability technologies.

Automated data analysis for calculating and reducing the carbon footprint of an investment portfolio.
Local economy currencies.

Local economy currencies.

Digital currencies designed to promote a local and sustainable economy between buyers and sellers.