Social Equity
To guarantee basic rights and equal opportunities for all individuals, specially those living under conditions of vulnerability.

Introducing key challenges.
In the last 30 years the world has made enormous and unprecedented social progress at different levels. Books such as “Factfulness” by Hans Rosling and “Enlightenment now” by Steven Pinker have invited all of us to recognize and celebrate the progress we have made regarding the different social challenges we are facing.
Some of the graphs below show the progress that has been achieved.From these depictions we should not conclude that we have already reached a socially equal world.They only seek to demonstrate that transformative change is possible and that we still have a long way to go to continue fostering these positive social changes.
However, many challenges remain in terms of inequality, as pointed out by the Nobel Prize Winner Joseph Stiglitz, who highlights the great disparity among different population segments in the lack of access to basic quality services.
Share of population living in extreme poverty (% of population).
The number of people living with a per capita household consumption below 1.90 international dollars per day has declined from 42% of the global population to 10% in almost 30 years, it being expected to drop down to 6% by 2030.
Share of population with access to basic resources (% of population).
The share of the global population with access to basic services like electricity, sanitation, water or clean cooking technologies has increased in the last 30 years, huge social progress having been achieved.
Gender equality in national parliaments (% women)
The share of women in national parliaments has not stopped growing since 2007. There are still a lot of challenges in both the political and the professional life, but this graph shows that progress is already being made.