Cities & territories mission.

To make cities a sustainable place to live in, guaranteeing an inclusive urbanization process.

Sustainable Cities & territories mission.

Introducing key challenges.

The world population is expected to increase from 7 to 10 billion people by 2050, a fact which poses great challenges for life in cities around the world. Currently more than half of the population lives in urban areas, a share that is expected to reach 80% by 2050.

Faced with the rapid rate of urbanization, we must guarantee an inclusive transition that encourages the conservation of rural spaces and the promotion of the local economy. It is also essential to guarantee a healthy and quality life in cities by reducing pollution and promoting sustainable mobility.

Growth of cities (no. of cities).

Source: Paul Bairoch. Cities and Economic Development.

Life in cities emerged in developed countries from year 1000 to 1980. This rapid growth is still accelerating at the moment due to the population growth in emerging economies.

Energy and emissions of buildings.

Source: IEA. World energy statistics and balances & Energy Technology Perspectives, buildings model.

Building and construction accounted for 36% of the energy use and 39% of energy related emissions. As one of the most important industries in cities, the transformation of this sector is critical to make cities sustainable places to live.

Projection of rural vs. urban population (billions of people).

Source: United Nations. World Urbanization Prospects (The 2019 revision).

Population growth is linked to the urbanization process and the growing number of people living in the cities. Rural populations are facing big challenges to their remaining in rural areas and also maintaining their quality of life.

Mission description.

This mission aims to promote the sustainability of cities and rural territories, and the quality of life and well-being of the people inhabiting them. Sustainable cities are expected to be resilient. It must encompass climate change or natural disaster challenges, such as adaptability to population growth and rapid urbanization processes. Yet, sustainable cities must be integrative, offering all city users decent lives regardless of their neighborhood, including the ensurance of sustainable mobility. Sustainable cities must be engaging and participatory regarding decision- and policy-making processes. City users have the needed, and commonly missed, central-stage knowledge that enables urban sustainability.

Mission challenges.

Liveable spaces.

  • Increase the sustainability of buildings and housing.
  • Reduce the pollution of cities.
  • Increase the participation of city dwellers in the development of their cities.
  • Increase and improve urban resilience.

Sustainable tourism.

  • Promote a sustainable tourism system.

Sustainable mobility.

  • Increase new forms of sustainable mobility and transportation.
  • Increase efficiency of transportation.
  • Reduce the number of car accidents.

Thriving rural territories.

  • Promote rural inclusion in the rapid urbanization process.

SDG alignment.

The Overview Effect - Good health and well-being

Good health and well-being.

Reduce car accidents.
The Overview Effect - Decent work and economic growth.

Decent work and economic growth.

Promote sustainable tourism.
The Overview Effect - Industry, innovation and infrastructure.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure.

Develop sustainable infrastructures.
Promote sustainable industries.
The Overview Effect - Sustainable cities and communities.

Sustainable cities and communities.

Provide inclusive transport.
Enhance sustainable urbanization.
Reduce the environmental impact of cities.
Ensure accessibility in public spaces.
Support rural areas.
Climate change planning.
Build sustainable buildings in developed countries.

Some solutions for inspiration.

Below you can find some of the innovative impact solutions we are working on.
Energy efficiency loans.

Energy efficiency loans.

Financial solutions for the purchase of efficient household appliances under great financial conditions.
Farm-to-fork commerce.

Farm-to-fork commerce.

Digital commerce platforms connecting farms with conscious and sustainable consumers.
Citizenship participation technologies.

Citizenship participation technologies.

Open and participatory technologies designed to incorporate citizens' opinions into the development of a city.
Logistic optimization algorithms.

Logistic optimization algorithms.

Artificial intelligence algorithms for reducing the number of kilometers and greenhouse gases emissions.