
NetZero: Digitisation for the Energy Transition.

NetZero: Digitisation for the Energy Transition.


At a time of big growth and sustained international expansion, the company wanted to take a step forward as regards sustainability and have a shared, strategic vision that would drive its sustainable growth in the coming years.

Although the company had major sustainability projects underway, they lacked a common framework and many of them were far removed from its business model.


We designed the company’s positive impact strategy and integrated it in its strategic plan as a top priority. This strategy has made it possible for the company to foster a cultural change in its workforce towards sustainability, to define a cross-functional strategic framework with KPIs in all areas, and to come up with new projects, products and services that will add value to its business model whilst also aiming at having a positive social and environmental impact.

AI at the service of sustainability

NetZero helps the company in its decision-making process because it enables it to assess the impact of its actions on its road to decarbonisation.

This product allows simulations to be made and the carbon intensity indicator (CII) – the metric that measures a company’s decarbonisation efforts – to be efficiently calculated.

In addition, AI can optimise future scenarios to visualise the emission reduction potential of several technologies.

NetZero: Digitisation for the Energy Transition.



Improving the digitisation of the entire process for calculating and monitoring the company’s CII, it being possible to analyse the impact of the decarbonisation levers thereon.

Conducting simulations of the different potential scenarios in the short/medium and long terms until 2050 according to the decarbonisation levers.

Optimising the different scenarios according to the reduction potential so as to study the most cost-efficient levers on the road to net-zero emissions by 2050.

Improving the analysis of the data from energy scenarios and comparing and visualizing the latter.

Improving risk management and energy transition opportunities.

“We worked as one team where each member perfectly understood their individual objective, the attainment of which contributed to achieving the project’s end goal.”
Mar Calderón
Sustainability IT & Digital Business Partner en Repsol
NetZero: Digitisation for the Energy Transition.

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